Walk and Talk Beach Therapy

Therapy on the beach? Um, yes please!


What comes to your mind when you envision going to therapy? Uncomfortably sitting in sterile office with four walls and no window? Staring at your therapist as you try to bare your soul? Does the thought of sitting motionless for one hour make you cringe?  If so, you are like many others who feel the same way.  But don’t worry, I have another option and perhaps a better solution – and that is called “walk and talk therapy.” 

Never heard of walk and talk therapy? Imagine meeting your psychologist on the most beautiful beaches of Hawaii.  You stroll side by side, casually talking, all while feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, hearing the roaring sound of the ocean, and feeling the cool, refreshing water splash onto your feet. Can you picture it?

Walk and Talk sessions provide a wonderful alternative to the traditional office setting or even online therapy. Movement propels you forward – literally and metaphorically. Just the simple act of walking while talking out life’s challenges creates change through forward movement. It adds to the process of therapy, as you feel more relaxed, comfortable, and less pressured. It helps you get “unstuck” when confronting difficult issues, and spurs creative, deeper ways of thinking.


  • Walk and Talk therapy combines traditional talk therapy with the physical exercise of walking. As the name describes, you will talk with me while walking along the beach. Walking side by side rather than sitting face to face enables some clients to feel more comfortable when sharing in the therapy process.

    Read more- Walk and Talk therapy

  • Walk and Talk therapy increases endorphins and those wonderful feel-good brain chemicals (i.e, Serotonin). It decreases anxiety and depression, as you learn to breathe deep, and clear that anxious brain. It also reduces stress and tension, improves sleep, and lowers blood pressure.

  • Great question! Once we venture out onto a public beach, there will be less control over the privacy of your session and depending on how busy the location is, parts of our conversation may be overheard. However, this is typically not an issue as we are on the move and others cannot hear entire conversations.

  • Of course! Walk & Talk therapy is not a strenuous workout. It is meant to be a casual, comfortable walk. Individuals at all levels of fitness can benefit from fresh air and walking. We usually walk at a slow to medium pace.

  • Feel free to to wear anything casual and comfortable! That can be shorts, yoga pants, tank top, even a swimsuit!

    You may want to bring water, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, or a towel.

  • The primary location will be held at Kailua beach, Lanikai beach, or Kalama beach. If you would like meet on a different beach, please let me know, and I will try to accommodate you. 

  • Absolutely! We can also have online therapy, and it is always your choice where to hold the session. You can decide on a session-by-session basis if you like.